Loving God, and Loving His People

Greetings everyone,

Please forgive me for the length of time since my last blog.. though I know it’s a blog, I’d rather say “my last letter” I do enjoy writing letters, more so than a “blog” it sounds so, I don’t know, not personal, disconnected, an act of doing, while a letter is more heart to heart.

It takes me a while to get rolling, so I like to chat a while first, since it is my belief that writing you a letter, is more personal, I like to chat, so you can have some insight into me, Luca, the person, not just a blogger.

Didn’t you love it, when you were younger( I’m 58, so I have a lot to look back on) and you received a letter in the mail? Not a bill, or post card, but a real handwritten letter? Me too, I felt special! Well, if I understood technology more, I could hand write a letter and share it here, but I’m not that savvy! (Why the need for two Vs?) See, there I am all over again!

This morning in my reading, as I finished my OLDER Testament, and moved to the NEWER, I was in Matthew 5, the lovely BEATITUDES! Oh my, talk about the “How to rule and reign and have dominion on the earth.” Genesis 1 and Psalm 8

I could write an entire sermon for hours on each beatitude, however, for this purpose and point, today we shall focus on Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

As I listen to parents, and families, loved ones of the LGBTQAI, goodness that’s a lot of letters LOL. I imagine myself being in their position, I’ve never been married, nor did I ever give birth, so I can only try, best I can, to place myself in these people who are so hurt, and try asking Holy Spirit “How can I comfort people?” HELP ME!!!

The hours these folks must spend, on their faces, crying out for their loved ones, to belong to Jesus and or be restored. Ya see, the thing is, with this specific issue, is, there really is no difference than any other flesh issue. Adam and Eve blew it in THE GARDEN, the issue there was the pride of life, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh. Oh Eve, why didn’t you just say “I don’t talk to strange snakes while my husband isn’t home” LOL Honestly!

Then we see in Matthew 4, After our Lord was baptized, He went in the wilderness to be tempted, I always ponder, to be tempted, as in ON PURPOSE?? this woman says yes, intentionally!!! God cannot let us feel only good. However, and for 40 days (hmmm I wonder how that coincides with the counting of Omer, or the leading up to Shavout, the day of Pentecost?” Just another rabbit trail I can go down.

Jesus was tempted with the same things as in the Garden, the pride of life, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, but this time, Jesus defeated Satan with what? THE WORD OF GOD!! “NO Satan, it is written.”

“Blessed are those who MOURN for they SHALL be comforted” (Emphasis mine) What is up with this mourning business? I thought we are only meant to feel good? No, NOT!!! God doesn’t care about our comfort level, perhaps He does care about our willingness to join Him in His suffering of weeping and mourning. Taken from Enduring Word commentary, David Guzik . “Blessed are those who mourn: The ancient Greek grammar indicates an intense degree of mourning. Jesus does not speak of casual sorrow for the consequences of our sin, but a deep grief before God over our fallen state.”

As my pastor says “O my then” The book goes on to say “The Greek word for to mourn, used here, is the strongest word for mourning in the Greek language. It is the word which is used for mourning for the dead, for the passionate lament for one who was loved.” (Barclay)

The weeping is for the low and needy condition of both the individual and society; but with the awareness that they are low and needy because of sin. Those who mourn actually mourn over sin and its effects.

Beloved, that is pretty intense, perhaps the Lord Jesus is saying to us, to join Him in mourning, why? It is my hypothesis, when we mourn, it moves the heart of God, Jesus was moved by compassion, God is close to the brokenhearted, what do you do when your children weep? You comfort them, you draw closer to them, you want to give them the desire of their heart, within reason of course. What if our mourning for our loved ones, is the position the Lord intends for us to have towards the entire people, HIS PEOPLE, HIS creation, not ONLY our children specifically, but all HIS CHILDREN.

If…Did you know the word “If” is mentioned in scripture more than ANY other word, including His Name” If, it is all contingent, in a way, on that if, IF we love God, we will keep His commands, yes? Anyway, bunny trail.

Anyway, God loves His creation, and He wants that NONE shall perish, but have life eternal, God is moved by our tears, it’s in scripture beloved, so allow yourself, to feel the sorrow of these matters, and watch it move the heart of the Father, not in a manipulative way, but out of love for the Father, I want Him to receive all the glory for His suffering, the reward is us! I want Him to have all His babies with Him.

If I love God, than my heart will want what He wants, He wants His children, He wants a full table at the wedding feast of the Lamb. My natural response will be, then I will love people, because my heart loving God, will be asking What is the desire of HIS heart, and not my own. When God says I will give you the desire of your heart, that can go both ways.

Do not be depressed that your child is far from the Lord, but stand on His promises, there are over 8,000 of them in scripture, God spoke the world into being, speak the truth over your children, scripture says, His word cannot come back void beloved, that means the word you speak (Good and bad) watch it, have an assignment on them, as if to say, what you say, leaves your mouth, and looks to accomplish what you said. There is life and death in the tongue. Proverb 18:21

Do not be afraid to feel godly sorrow, allow yourself time, often, to be brought to your knees and cry out to the Lord, ask Him, weary Him, but also, remind Him of His word, and speak those things that are not, as though they were, Hebrews something. LOL. You’ll get use to me.

You shall be comforted” there you go, you’ll be comforted, and I will be comforted, because God is going to respond to His word! He is obligated to Himself, to hold true to His word. Scripture says, it is HIS name, HIS reputation at stake, not ours, He has more a vested interest in seeing it happen that ANYONE ELSE. I hope this helps. If there is something you wish I address, or if you have questions, please feel free to reach out. If you wish to help me in the work of the ministry, it would be appreciated.


Bless you.

Leaving a comment is lovely





Do you ever wonder?

I was reading in Judges 10 this A.M. Israel had prostituted herself to other gods again, Israel cried out and God said, the heck with you Luca translation. He said I will deliver you no more.”ouch! Then down in verse 16 something amazing happens.

Judges 10:16 “Then they removed the foreign gods from among them, and worshiped Adonai. So His soul could not bear the misery of Israel.”

What the heck?! Unpack that one if you will.His SOUL??? HE was moved by the cries of their heart!!!

Repentance is a POWERFUL WEAPON, it’s not just lip service, it takes action, they removed the foreign gods….And, worshipped Him. God was moved, from their position of DESPERATION!! MY LORD 

What if repentance isn’t just feeling remorse in your heart, what if it looks more like how Jesus lived His life. We know repentance in Greek is Metaneo (proounced Met-an-o-eh-o) which IS A VERB!!! and means to change the inner man- particularly with refrence to acceptance of the will of God-REPENT

Helpful word studies # 3340 and 3326 “Meta” changed after being with! or # 3359 Noieo think differently after changing mind. Those are a few concordance refrences.

So back to the scripture, it said, “So  His soul could not bear the misery of Israel” WHat does that sound like to you? It sounds like Israel hit that spot again, where they felt all good and comfy again “Yeah God I got this now” mmm hmmm, alright, let me know how that works out saith the Lord. LOL

How many times we been there? Are we there right now as a nation? All the nations? Perhaps it’s in the suffering scripture talks about that gets our hearts to cry out to the Lord, perhaps desperation is a good place to be? Do I want to? No, it terrifies me a bit to think of, and, I know that seems to be a place where God shows Himself glorious. 

The part that gets me in that scriptre is it says “His soul could not bare” His soul? GOD HAS A SOUL? How many times in scripture do we read “Jesus was moved by compassion”? Many to tell you the truth, He responds compassionately, when He sees people in need, and I don’t mean in need like “I need a Snickers” although now that i mention it, I think I do need one. LOL

The needs of humanity, we NEED God, and needing Him keeps us connected to the vine, and we are His branches.

God bless you. Would love to hear from you in the reply section below. See it, it’s right down there. I like chattin back and forth, Ill respond to you if you text, you can also email me. 

If you wish to have me speak at your event, church, small group or even a picnic, reach out.

Last but not least, I am a missionary who lives on the blessings of others, if you feel compelled, please consider a love offering. 

God bless you



Discipleship Matters

As believers, we have the wonderful comfort of the instruction of the Word of God; but to those who depart from it, there is little hope (see Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-18). Isn’t it reassuring that we have received instruction from our Lord and Savior? He instructed us to, “Go make disciples.” Scripture is unmistakably clear on this issue (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18).

Our goal in discipleship is the maturing of a believer into the character of Jesus and helping them make additional disciples.

Often, as it was with Jesus, we must go up to the mountain with the Lord and seek Him on who we will disciple and allow Holy Spirit to hover over our hearts. (Luke 6:12-16) Discipleship often begins with intercession as we go to God on behalf of another. The discipler must divest themselves of any agenda and fully surrender to the Lord. With the guidance of Holy Spirit the discipler must be prepared to be humble, a good learner of people, able to model and practice the fruit of the Spirit as well as Christlike character. It is important to recognize that we are not trying to make converts. When trials or difficulties come, converts fall away. Disciples are willing to die for the One whom they love.

To the extent that we allow Jesus to transform us, lead us, teach us, and correct us, we will be used in the discipleship of others. In our obedience to the Lord’s commission, we are either modeling Christ for them, or we are modeling ourselves to them. Therefore, people will either be growing in Christlikeness because of our relationship with Jesus Christ, or they will be becoming disciples of us and our own imagination of who Jesus is. Their progression in discipleship will reflect our maturity in Jesus Christ (John 15:1-17).

Parenthood is a wonderful illustration of discipleship. For many people, their children may have been their first experience with discipleship. In the same way we don’t leave a newborn to fend for itself, we also should not leave a new believer to fend for themselves. They may come into The Kingdom loud, messy, disruptive, needy, etc. and requiring a great deal of kindness and patience. We will need to teach them to worship, pray, study their Bible, love, serve, and so on. Most of this they will need to see in action. When guiding individuals out of the LGBTQ community to become a disciple of Jesus, we must have both a father’s heart and a mother’s heart toward them.

The disciple maker has the authority of Jesus Christ to disciple from any tribe, tongue, or people group, including the LGBTQ community. We are called to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and teach them everything Jesus has taught us. We are to teach the disciple all of Scripture, and to build in them the fullness of Christ until the end of the age.

In making disciples, we must always remember that the divine instructions given by God in Genesis 1:26-28 applies to all disciples. Affirming the individual that they have been given the authority and divine empowerment to accomplish these instructions is critical to the development of the identity of a disciple. Those coming out of the LGBTQ community to be discipled, often come with doubts that they are part of God’s Kingdom and that the Genesis 1 mandates cannot, or do not, apply to them.

These mandates are to:

  • Have authority to rule (have dominion over) the earth
  • Be fruitful and to multiply
  • Tend to and cultivate (bring out the best in) all of God’s creation
  • Continue living out our commission until death

Finally, remember this model for discipleship as it is demonstrated in Acts 42-47:

  1. Disciple maker does, disciple watches
  2. Disciple does, disciple maker watches
  3. Disciple does (goes and make disciples)

Relationship Building Ideas For Discipleship

Healthy discipleship exists in relationship between Jesus and the disciple; as well as the disciple maker and the disciple. Here are some key ideas to help you build relationships that will lead to productive discipleship in Jesus Christ.

Practical Considerations

  • Get their contact information, full name, cell phone number, email address
  • Talk to them about the next time you will both meet to do discipleship, and then immediately send them a follow-up communication
  • Schedule regular meetings with them (no less than once a week, no less than 1 hour)
  • Let them be part of you everyday life. Include them in special events like holidays, birthday parties, family outings. Take them with you as you disciple others, go to the grocery store, go to the gym. Find out what they like to do and do it with them.
  • Avoid pairing disciples and disciple makers who struggle with the same relationship sins; such as addiction to porn or acting out sexually in any way
  • Meet in public places such as at church or at a coffee shop
  • Agree to an appropriate Bible translation, but be mindful of where they are, not where you want them to be. Understanding and comprehending the content of some translations as well as literacy in general is still a common issue for many. Use a children’s Bible or audio version if needed.

Holding Disciples Accountable

  • Hold them accountable to reading Scripture and to times of prayer:
    1. Plan mutual times of reading and praying together with you
    2. Have them plan times of reading and praying on their own
  • Watch for forward progression in their maturity, if there isn’t there may be a number of reasons (religion, lack of being in the Word, an area of freedom needed, misbeliefs, heart issue). Inquire of the Lord how to proceed.
  • Cultivate humility and teachability by modeling it. It is prudent for us to take the learners chair and ask questions that will encourage the disciple to look to God’s Word as their source for truth. Character issues will resolve in a community focused on joy and connection with a strong group identity. Insisting they fully engage in a faith community is crucial.
  • Teach them about God honoring relationships and to discern which friends or relationships are edifying to their spiritual growth, maturity, or walk with Jesus Christ

Discipleship of the LGBTQ+ community

In regards to the discipling those coming out of the LGBTQ Lifestyle, there are several areas of awareness that will be of importance:

  1. Community-the LGBT Community is know for its acceptance, sense of belonging, hospitality, lack of judgement, etc. In most cases the church currently fails at meeting the need for community. In order to be successful as a discipler, one must be willing to let people be part of your life.
  2. Most individuals with LGBT history struggle with toxic shame and a lack of relational connection. This will require empathy and compassion to navigate them through.
  3. Resources and testimonies of transformed ex-gays is vital as the disciple will benefit from a sense of being related to, knowing they can still be different and belong, as well as find comfort and hope in knowing someone else has overcome.


Remember: Our goal in discipleship is to help them become who God created them to be in order to fulfill their God given purpose in life and encourage them to follow the model laid out in Scripture. If we model discipleship as Jesus did our disciples will make disciples.

‘Experimental lab for transgender ideology’: Feds accused of complicity in student’s suicide



A decade ago, the National Center for Lesbian Rights filed a civil rights complaint on behalf of a California junior high student “initially raised as a female” who now identified as male and wanted to use the boys’ bathroom at school and room with boys on overnight school trips.

decade ago, the National Center for Lesbian Rights filed a civil rights complaint on behalf of a California junior high student “initially raised as a female” who now identified as male and wanted to use the boys’ bathroom at school and room with boys on overnight school trips.

Yaeli Martinez was one of the first Arcadia Unified students to be treated under this new system. According to her mother, the transition to “Andrew” worsened Yaeli’s mental health problems, and in 2019 her “beautiful girly girl” who dressed like a princess as a child stepped in front of a train at age 19.

Abigail Martinez fought through tears to tell the story of her deceased daughter Monday at a Heritage Foundation event on “radical gender ideology” in public schools. 


“I want everyone to know the truth about what happened to our family because it didn’t have to happen,” said the mother of four, who immigrated to the U.S. from El Salvador at age 18. “I can’t explain this pain … Even when you breathe it hurts.”

Roger Severino, former civil rights director for the Department of Health and Human Services in the Trump administration, made the connection to the federal settlement with the school district. 


“They created an experimental lab for this transgender ideology, and Yaeli was the first victim of it,” said Severino, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, from the audience. He connected Martinez with Heritage after the conservative think tank scheduled the event with a different panelist, Senior Research Fellow Jay Richards told Just the News.

The Justice Department and Arcadia Unified did not respond to queries about the possible role played by the 2013 settlement in Yaeli’s mental health decline and suicide. The Education Department acknowledged the query but did not further respond.


Martinez said she notified the school that her daughter was showing signs of depression and that she was being bullied for her looks. Administrators allegedly traced the mental health problems to gender dysphoria and socially transitioned her.

While she supported her daughter’s exploration of male hairstyles and outfits and agreed to call her Andrew, Martinez told Yaeli she was going through temporary phases. The school disagreed, falsely claiming that Yaeli had identified as male since childhood. “I was accused that I didn’t want to open my eyes,” aid Martinez.


Yaeli ran away after a suicide attempt, informed that California would pay for transgender medical procedures if she were removed from home and that the transition would improve her mental health, Martinez said. 

A transgender peer coached her on what to tell the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), and the school supported her removal as well. Yaeli was placed in foster care and paired with an LGBTQ support group at age 16. 


Martinez said she went to court “every single month” to get her daughter back, unsuccessfully seeking a psychological evaluation for Yaeli. During hour-long supervised visits each week, Martinez was banned from discussing certain topics with Yaeli, including God.

Officials ignored her pleas to treat Yaeli’s mental health problems instead of giving her cross-sex hormones, which didn’t make the teenager feel better, as she allegedly confessed in group therapy.

The suicide caused a stir in Los Angeles County at the time, with DCFS on the defensive, according to youth and family publisher The Imprint. Martinez testified at a Board of Supervisors meeting and set up a fundraiser for Yaeli’s memorial.

Other mothers shared their legal battles to stop school districts from socially transitioning children and unveil gender ideology in the curriculum.

January Littlejohn and her husband sued Florida’s Leon County school board and district officials last year for implementing a protocol that “explicitly circumvents parental notification and involvement” when a child asserts a “discordant gender identity.”

This involves treating children as the opposite sex at school and in school-spnosored activities such as overnight trips, while referring to them by their birth names and pronouns in communications with parents.


Another Florida family sued Clay County’s school district in January for its secret gender-identity meetings with their daughter, which were divulged only after the girl attempted suicide on consecutive days.

As with other adolescents whose mental health took a dive during COVID-19 lockdowns, Littlejohn’s daughter and her friends started questioning their gender in summer 2020.

Like Martinez, Littlejohn notified the school of her daughter’s problems, but was blindsided when the girl told her that school officials asked which restroom she wanted to use. The vice principal hid details of that meeting from Littlejohn, citing a nondiscrimination policy.

The mother learned of a 6-page “support plan” for her daughter that included her restroom and bunking preference, which created a “huge wedge” within the family. Littlejohn said her daughter was only celebrated at school after she started identifying as male.

Rhode Island mother and lawyer Nicole Solas got herself sued by teachers unions last summer for filing public records requests for curriculum and policies related to gender theory and children’s sexuality.

Solas said she learned from her daughter’s principal that the school uses unwritten “common practices” such as avoiding gendered terminology with the kindergartners. 

She was alarmed to learn about the school’s practice of socially transitioning children without parental consent, in which students can allegedly request a “point team” of teachers, staff and mental health professionals to transition them on a set schedule. 

Solas withdrew her own daughter in response. “There’s no age threshold,” she said. “There’s no really no rules on how they do this.” 

The district refused to give her the number of students being transitioned, claiming it would breach student confidentiality, which Solas said is false because it has provided her similar information in the past.

She’s still waiting for a ruling on her August motion for summary judgment in the teachers unions’ lawsuit, the subject of a December hearing, according to the court docket.


“Transgender” Activist Set Free After Meeting Christ

This was an interview I had done with Alex Newman on The New American Program.

In this interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman, former “transgender” activist Luca Jo Groppoli with Over The Rainbow describes her experience spending 34 years impersonating a different gender before meeting the Lord and being set free and having her life transformed. She explains how she was hurt as a child, and then allowed “experts” at the University of Minnesota to convince her that she needed to have a sex change for her “gender dysphoria.” However, after going to church and meeting Christ, she realized that she had been deceived. So she repented and now speaks out on this issue to try to rescue children and others who have been sucked in. Unfortunately, the situation is only going to get worse, she warned. As such, Luca said it is critical that the Church stand firm for the truth and help people, in love, to find God’s will for their lives.



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Female to male shares her story


 This is a testimony of Kelly, she was born female and transitioned to male.she will tell you the things the Dr.s don’t tell you when seeking a sex change. Why?   $$$ of course.

We have to be brave so we can help our children, for the children, be brave and stand up for them.


Help us at Agape First Ministries, by supporting us in prayer, or any way you feel lead.

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