You are a gift to your children! Nate talks about how parents are a blessing to their children
Do you ever wish you had a different life Nate answers the question: Don't you REALLY just want to be GAY?
Do people really change Nate talks about how people can change and what the bible says about it
How to evangelize people who are different from you Nate speaks about how Agape First helps evangelize the LGBTQ
Making Jesus Famous Nate shares his vision for agape by making the name Jesus famous
No Transformation Without Repentance Nate talks about transformation and healing with repentance
I don’t want to talk about it! #shorts
Nate shares what he likes to talk about with people.
The Harm of Side B Gay Christianity – Episode 11
AFM discusses the harms of Side B Gay Christianity to the Church. Nate and Daren call Carl Nelson, Jason Strand, Rob Ketterling to repent of promoting Side B gay Christianity. Episode 11 of a mult-part part series on LGBTQ doctrines.
LGBT Doctrines Part 7 – Sanctification Part 1
In this series about LGBT Doctrines we’ve been reviewing different doctrines surrounding the LGBT+ ideas. We have recently been discussing Side B “Gay Christianity” (Celibate) and contrasting the common doctrines against what scripture says. Today we will be talking about sanctification, it’s intersection with holiness, righteousness, and our salvation. What is sanctification? How does it work in the repentant individual who desires to leave behind the LGBT identity and lifestyle? Does God transform hearts and minds? To what degree? Is it just about our behaviors? Is grace there to prevent us from sinning? These and more discussed today.
Calling Evil Good – Our Response to Andy Stanley
The Bible warns of a time when society will call evil good, and good evil. It seems as though we are living in such times. In this episode we will break down Andy Stanley’s recent statements regarding same-sex attractions and offer a response based on the Bible and our own experiences of finding freedom from sexual brokenness. #andystanleyheresy