It’s Time To Rise Up!!

This was an article I had published in the Fellowship of Ministries and Churches magazine. It is affiliated to Christ For the Nation’s Bible College, where I graduated.

We are in a time like no other. We see the things of this world that we once valued with less significance, but now we can see what truly matters. We are making decisions on what is truth, and what isn’t. We need to ask ourselves, what hill are we willing to die on? I hope our answer is, “I’ll die on the hill of Calvary with Jesus!”

As much as we have all learned about eschatology, I still find myself in disbelief watching prophecy play out right before our very eyes. The Lord said there would be apostasy before His return. We read about this in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 2 Timothy 4:3, and Hebrews 3:12. But even though we know these things must take place, we can’t sit back and wait for someone else to do something about it. WE must rise up, and we must believe God’s Word is 100% infallible.

We cannot only believe the Word; we must be doers of the Word as well.

Deception is absolutely on the rise. Satan always overplays his hand.

I believe we are in a time when the Lord is separating the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats. But praise be to God—He will have a pure and spotless bride.

In my research of church history, I have read about a period of time when the Church had a strong influence in every sphere of society. In fact, there were times when legislators conferred with pastors on laws yet to be passed. We sure don’t see that happening much anymore! In fact, some churches have resorted to preaching an anemic Gospel—removing the things that sinners need to hear in order to be convicted of their sin; and to allow the flow of the Holy Spirit to convict sinners of what separates them from God, and from the things Paul said, “so easily ensnare us.”

These days, rather than the church influencing the world, the world is influencing the Church—and it’s time for it to stop!!!

So, I am writing this article to remind all of us that Jesus transforms—PERIOD!

We read in Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”

The word “transformed” in Greek is metamorphoo, which is where we get the English word, metamorphosis, which means to change or to be transfigured.

While it is true, we were all born separated from God and in need of a savior; and we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God—each one of us needed (and still needs) a Messiah! So, why is it that so many people in churches believe God created the entire world and galaxies; they believe God can heal the drunkard, the fornicator, and the prostitute; but they don’t believe He can transform someone like me who was transgender for over three decades?

Either we believe God and His Word are truth, or we don’t.

After Jesus was baptized, He went out, fasted, and was tempted in every way. After 40 days, He went to the synagogue, opened the scroll, and read Isaiah 61, “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.”

The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in every one of us who has been baptized in the Holy Spirit. He didn’t withhold part of Himself from any one of us!

To whom did Jesus say, “Those who believe will do great exploits?” Those who BELIEVE! 

Everyone has experienced brokenness or trauma, and we often come to a place where we just learn to live with our brokenness, or to live out of that brokenness. One example is prostitution. Many people who prostitute themselves have experienced some sort of trauma. Not only sexual trauma, but trauma in general.

We develop coping skills, but is that what God wants? Coping skills? NO. HE SETS US FREE!

Beloved, Jesus transforms! God can’t help but transform people. It’s who He is, it’s what He does. It’s the nature of God to transform people into His image. Why do you think we have the Gospel? Was God just being cute? Emphatically, No! “It’s the POWER of God, onto salvation, for everyone who believes.”

At Agape First Ministries, we train and equip churches and ministries to understand the nuances that are associated with people who (like me at one time) need help connecting to Jesus. It is not my responsibility to make a gay person straight, it’s my right—my responsibility to connect people to God. It is the responsibility of all of us, to bind up the brokenhearted and to set captives free.

It was the prayer of Jesus’ heart in John 17 that we would know we are one! United in Him! When we are united, strong, and working together, we establish God’s authority in the land, and there is nothing that can stop us.

What it takes to heal

At Agape First Ministries, one of the things we talk about and emphasize on regarding SSA and the brain, is how our feelings and emotions affect how we live. 

Secular neurologists, brain scientists, have discovered how our feelings which are hard wired in our brains, and how we respond to them.

Let’s see what they have concluded.

They discovered these feelings, and emotions, which are listed as sadness, shame, fear, disgust, anger, and hopelessness, and how they are regulated in our brain.

We know that fear and anger, and not necessarily bad, fear tells us when we are in danger, and anger can tell us when something is unjust. 

Proverbs 27:3 says so a man thinketh in his heart so is he. 

So just how do our thoughts affect how we live? 

God created us with emotions, joy being a main emotion which allows us the opportunity for growth, by being securely attached and connected to godly healthy people, in order for us to grow to fullness as God designed.

We read in Psalm 16 You make known to me the path of life;

you will fill me with joy in your presence,with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Joy, which is mentioned throughout Scripture, helps us connect to people. What is the meaning of joy? It can mean someone is glad to be with me,I’m honored and celebrated. Someone likes me.

Joy helps us to feel safely connected, first to Mom and Dad, and in return can feel safely connected to God and others.

But what happens when we experience trauma? What is trauma?

Well first of all it’s important to note that there are two types of trauma: there is absence of good or needed things. Trauma is also experienced with the presence of bad things.

Trauma can set in when there are unresolved issues. 

I shall use my own experience to better help you understand.

As a child I had several traumatic experiences, (sexual) abuse, the loss of a parent, and my father shutting down, after the loss of my mother.

Believing I was intrinsically not good enough to be cared for, or protected, I came to several wrong conclusions. When we don’t have answers, our brains will automatically try to figure things out. As mentioned in Building Bounce P.123.” Shame loves to rush in and fill the space between with colorful narratives.”

It goes on to say shame is a disconnector. When we feel shame it sends a Cascade of disconnecting beliefs and emotions that can saturate a person’s whole being and makes you feel detached from your heart, thoughts, feelings, and identity. Shame also sends signals to your true self to hide, which makes you feel even more disconnected from God and others.

I felt disgusted with myself about what I experienced, which was not God’s plan, nor how He felt about me.

Another word we use at Agape First Ministries, is attunement, or, when our emotional needs are noticed, reflected and met.  “I see you, I hear you, I understand.”

The absence of having people tuned in to us, results in these negative emotions.

No one in my family seemed to be attuned to me, enough to notice that there was something wrong with me. I began to feel those big 6 things, secular science mentioned in their studies.

So, there I was, trapped in hopelessness, riddled with fear, disgusted with my own body, feeling shame that I was abandoned. I stayed stuck in these feelings. 

Had someone been attuned to me they would have helped me to feel safe, joyful, and connected. Rather, my experience overwhelmed my capacity.

At that point my relational circuits, or my capacity to stay connected to others, were turned off.

God, in His goodness, intentionally designed us with this default of shutting down, when things are too painful, and through biblical discipleship, we ought to help others get connected to safe people, as well, become safe ourselves.

I’m sure you’ve experienced overwhelming situations, like there’s so much laundry, I can’t take care of my family,but what happens, when a friend comes over, and decides to help you? You feel relief, like someone cares, and helps you feel not overwhelmed, you can face the challenges before you, becauseyou’re no longer alone.

What happened to me was I remained  stuck in these emotions. With no one to help me get reconnected. As a result, I developed dissociative disorder, meaning, I disconnected from myself. I checked out, my relational circuits were all turned off.  Remember, shame is a disconnector.

Knowing I needed to feel connected to someone, I found comfort and acceptance with others who were also same sex attracted.  How wonderful and lovely it was to meet people like I was! Belonging helps us build resilience, knowing that I belong to a group gives me the security of knowing that I don’t have to go through hardship alone.

However, there was an element that was missing, intimacy. Or as some say “into me see” in order to have intimacy, you have to risk vulnerability, and I didn’t find anyone with “my people” who I could be vulnerable with. Sometimes, I would bring up hurtful memories, only to be looked at as if that was not something we talk about.

Again, I was felt feeling empty and alone. But God had another plan, and that experience was just another stepping stone to real freedom to getting unstuck.

From book Building Bounce 

” Bring to Curt Thompson in his book The soul of shame, we have a god-given need to be seen, known and loved for who we are without fear of rejection. However, we each intrinsically understand that the more of me that is exposed to another, the more at risk I am to experiencing pain. That is a conflict that we attempt to solve in a number of ways. We may hide, run, fight, or try to please.

If exposing our weaknesses feels dangerous, we may set out to exterminate vulnerability. We may try to control how others see us, hide away the messy parts. But what if vulnerability isn’t a sign that something is wrong with me? What if it is how I was created? What if God intentionally created us as vulnerable beings because we were never meant to do life on our own? What if we can’t do life without God and without others? What if embracing my vulnerability is actually the bridge that brings the connection my heart has been longing for? We cannot feel loved if we do not feel known, and we cannot feel known if we are not seen.”

By now, I hope you are wondering how I got unstuck? I’m glad you asked. 

There are several people in my life who made a HUGE impact on my life.

Beginning with my spiritual mamma at the church where I gave my life to the Lord.

As well, these women showed NO motives to “change” me. Rather, they invested in me, helped me see clearly who Jesus and the Father are.

They didn’t tell me when I wasn’t living right, that’s the job of Holy Spirit, and they trusted Him who began a good work WOULD, in fact complete that work.

They encourage me, they build me up in my faith. They simply loved me right where I was, I never felt like “I wasn’t enough”

LOVE!!! It was the love of Jesus, that shines brilliantly through these women, and love is what transformed my heart to desire to be like Jesus.

The result of this was my new identity in Christ, I had a new group identity. And as Paul wrote in Hebrews 12:1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

At last, I was connected to the joy of the Father, and connected to joy of being with others who loved me, and cared for me. In that place, I too am becoming like Jesus.


Jesus DOES Transform

Greetings everyone,

Well, now that I’ve had my official training on utilizing this blog site, I thought I would be brave, and do my best to write my first blog on my own. Let’s see how well it goes!! I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me, right?

I enjoy seeing God receive the glory He so deserves, scripture says and they shall overcome, by the blood of the K=Lamb, and the power of our testimony, and they loved not their lives, even onto death!!

 hat is pretty serious isn’t it?! Beloved, we are overcomers, because of the blood of Christ Jesus, as well, as when we share our testimonies, we help others overcome their struggles, I found it most helpful when I was transgender, my church introduced me to Janet Boynes who had a story so much like my own, I thought my goodness, I’m not the only one!!! What a relief to know, what I was experiencing, and my same sex REACTION was a “normal” response to an abnormal situation. Why would I not struggle in life when I was not protected and kept safe from the people who abused me, I say the life I lived I did not choose, rather, it chose me. It was an outcome to the brokenness I experienced. We all have these stories, we have all had some sort of brokenness, and when we allow the Lord to rule and reign in our lives, He cant help but bring healing, it is who He is, and it is, what He does. 

Beloved, let us share our stories with each other, even if you think you don’t have a testimony, because you think “I’ve been a Christian all my life” THATS A TESTIMONY!! How lovely and encouraging for me and others to hear you’ve known the Lord all your life, how, I’ve often wondered, how would I have turned out, had I never experience and survive what I went through?! 

Anyway, if there are things you wish to talk about, or ask about, I would love to share anything and everything with you.

May the Lord bless you.

In Christ Jesus.

Luca Jo

Introducing Luca Jo Groppoli

Greetings all,

Welcome to Agape First Ministries. I’m new to this blogging business, so please bare with me. I am very excited to utilize this tool once I get the tools and functions figured out. May the Lord bless you all. I always welcome feed back and questions.


Luca Jo