Wendi is the youngest of 7 children. She grew up in New York State, but moved around a lot once she graduated high school. She transplanted here to MN in 1997 and became involved with activities of religious living. She met Nate Oyloe in 2018, started Immanuel Prayer with him in March 2020, and began working for Agape First Ministries in the summer of 2020. She has been through Immanuel Lifestyle and Prayer Training, and is now the Prayer Coordinator for Agape First Ministries.
Email: Wendi @ agapefirstminsitries.org
Support Wendi: https://www.agapefirstministries.org/give#wendi
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Wendi William’s Blog
Returning to Joy
When we talk about joy, we have to go back to the beginning. God created us in His own image. He designed us so that EVERY part of us would grow in JOY.
Immanuel Lifestyle Overview
Immanuel Prayer offers a process that is very useful to help people connect to the Lord in a prayer ministry session. It is a process of connection personally and interactively with the Lord, and removing barriers and hindrances to an intimate, interactive lifestyle of connection with Him. The goal is to build and deepen a securely attached relationship with the Lord, one that increases our capacity to stay connected to Him even in difficult life situations or painful experiences.
Introducing Wendi
This is the history of how God has worked in my life.