My name is Luca Jo Groppoli. I am a graduate of Christ For the Nations Bible College, where I was also ordained.
I am Associate Director with Agape First Ministries.
Outreach Director with Child Protection League.
It is my mission to go, make disciples of the nations, to tell the world, that Jesus can, and does in fact transform people, even people like me, who lived as a transgender male for over 3 decades.
Let’s make Jesus famous together, by connecting the lost to the heart of the Father.
Email: Luca @
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Freedom United – Pastor Luca Groppoli – The Empowered and Transformed
Pastor Luca Groppoli shares her message at Freedom United Conference. Main points: 1. Repent 2. Be Baptised 3. Transformation “BE BAPTIZED for the remission of sins; AND you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 “Then God blessed them, and God said to...
No space for the Adversary
Today I am reminded of the words of Politician Paul Wellstone, yes, he was a Democrat, and... wisdom comes from many places. He said: Do not let your words be different than the way you live. Very wise, I believe Jesus addressed this issue as well, its called...
Loving God, and Loving His People
What does it mean to love God and Love His People
Do you ever wonder?
Repentance is a POWERFUL WEAPON, it’s not just lip service, it takes action, they removed the foreign gods….And, worshipped Him. God was moved, from their position of DESPERATION!! MY LORD
Discipleship Matters
Discipleship matters to the Christian faith. To be transformed into the image of Jesus requires discipleship in the faith. God will transform those who remain a disciple of Jesus.
‘Experimental lab for transgender ideology’: Feds accused of complicity in student’s suicide
A decade ago, the National Center for Lesbian Rights filed a civil rights complaint on behalf of a California junior high student "initially raised as a female" who now identified as male and wanted to use the boys' bathroom at school and room with boys...
“Transgender” Activist Set Free After Meeting Christ
This was an interview I had done with Alex Newman on The New American Program. In this interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman, former "transgender" activist Luca Jo Groppoli with Over The Rainbow describes her experience spending 34 years...
Female to male shares her story
This is a testimony of Kelly, she was born female and transitioned to male.she will tell you the things the Dr.s don't tell you when seeking a sex change. Why? $$$ of course. We have to be brave so we can help our children, for the children, be brave and...
It’s Time To Rise Up!!
This was an article I had published in the Fellowship of Ministries and Churches magazine. It is affiliated to Christ For the Nation's Bible College, where I graduated. We are in a time like no other. We see the things of this world that we once valued with less...
Luca Jo 🌈 Rainbow 🌈 Story