Worthy Is the Lamb!

Worthy by Nate Oyloe

‍Last year, I recorded this song, Worthy. But for one reason or another, I never released it…it just never seemed like the right time. Until now. 

With the ungodly legislation passed by Minnesota lawmakers, the words of this song seemed especially apropos. Regardless of what is happening in culture, I will continue to make myself ready for Jesus, My Bridegroom King. And, I will give myself to helping others prepare themselves as well. Why? Because Jesus is worthy of a prepared Bride!

And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.”

-Revelation 19:6-7

Therefore, we don’t lose heart. The Lion is coming for you and me! What a glorious day that will be!! And, Beloved, it will be worth the wait. 

I hope you enjoy the song. Listen on any major streaming service like Spotify, Youtube or Apple Music.


by Nate Oyloe

Conversations That Matter Podcast: Responding to Christian Homosexuality Part 1

wow. this is really powerful and heavy insight into the pain of this snare! I am so appreciative of Daren sharing this… I kind of gasp considering that if his experience was what the children of the 90s were already going through, what on earth must these poor children today be trying to contend with? I mean we know what to tell our children NOT to do, but that body image insight of going to the gym and confronting the TRUTH that he is a man, may be very helpful practical direction for a youth pastor to help combat the active agenda in society to feminize young men!


In Truth By Grace

Sir, thank you for telling your story. I think you’re gonna help a lot of people. You made me realize that I was one of those “mean girls” in school that picked on guys who weren’t really macho. I am so sorry I did that!!! I repent of my cruelty and I ask God to forgive me. If you see this message, I hope you will let me apologize to you on behalf of the people who picked on you. 

I see so clearly now how I bent to peer pressure and went along with the crowd, probably because of my insecurities, definitely because of my sinful nature. I was so about trying to please people who really didn’t care about me that I missed the opportunity to get to know people like you that would have probably been a better friend! Keep fighting the good fight, Brother! God is using you greatly!



I don’t usually comment but I have to on this video. I want to thank John for having Daren on. The Church needs to learn how to deal with this in Love. But we must deal with it. This has been on my heart recently and look forward to being educated to help. Daren you had me crying, to see your wife stand by you just moved me. Spiritual warfare is real and Christian’s need to wake up to this fact. Thanks again Daren for your openness.


Moe and Jym

I actually weeping with joy for this testimony – we have such a problem with unnamed sin and shame in the church, this should not be. And we know truly there but for the grace of God go I – if one part of the Body is suffering, we all suffer. I’ve been given youth pastor duties alongside worship leading I was already doing and I know I have some youth struggling with this temptation/confusion. This will help many. Thank you Jon and Daren.



More content like this on this topic is necessary today. Today’s youth AND adults need as much content available as possible, that correctly addresses this issue, as they can get. We’ll done Daren and and thank you for being a brave man. God bless.



Thank you to Daren for being willing to share his story. It’s so helpful when brave people tell of God’s powerful love and redemption in this struggle. We certainly hear more than enough from those who swear they cannot change, that God’s grace is not sufficient, that the church has failed them so they are not responsible. I’ll be following Daren’s blog and ministry to hopefully learn. I have a fair number of friends in the gay community who I want to share the gospel with.


D Trip

I’m looking forward to hearing more about specific ways we can walk with someone struggling versus having an expectation to “just not sin.” While this guest has identified and experienced the awkward silence and often abject refusal to discuss the topic of sexuality, I think we have a lot to learn about how to be brothers and sisters coming alongside each other in many areas of pain caused by sin. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s conclusion. I’m grateful that God is giving boldness to men and women to bring these issues into the light. Darren is talking like a godly man.

Stacy Dixon

Bro got saved when he cheated on his wife. Legit saved. Not, I “received Christ” (i.e. I kinda like this Jesus thing). Regeneration. Born of the Spirit. New life.

God does good things to call people to Himself before conversion. Romans 2:4, John 9, Ac. 10. The Church will flourish when She regains a Biblical theology of Regeneration. This man articulated what that looks like. Thanks for sharing, Brother!

Jon, when you say, “When you cheated on your wife, God broke your pride.” Yep. THAT is regeneration. How do we know? “God opposes the proud, and gives grace to the humble.” He couldn’t put-off and put-on until he was regenerated. He said himself that everything previous was self-righteousness. And he was right.


Wow, I have never known how to help a homosexual to overcome. Also just advised them not to act on it, be celibate rather. This video has provided vital information to us all. Thank you to you both. I hope that we will find more restored people sharing their testimony of overcoming with us because this is greatly needed more than ever now.


Lea Williams

Such an important post and a clear message from God through this brother. His testimony cut deep in my heart as there is always something we can relate to about our sin and God’s mercy 🙏


Nelida Scott

Thank you to Jon Harris at Conversations That Matter podcast, from www.WorldViewConversation.com, for the interview.

There’s a lot of talk in Christian circles today about whether or not same-sex attraction is sinful. Daren Mehl answers some questions about whether homosexuality is an orientation, if Christians are delivered from it, and what Churches should do in responding to the LGBTQI+ agenda.


https://www.portlandfellowship.com/resources/differingviews.pdf << “4 Columns” doctrines intersection of LGBTQ and Christianity

https://www.agapefirstministries.org/darenmehl  << Ministry to Churches, Families, Individuals

https://www.voiceofthevoiceless.info << Education & Advocacy for former LGBTQ, Families, and churches around this issue

https://darenmehlblog.com << Some tidbits I’ve written from my journey out of homosexuality, my daily prayers, covenant with my eyes, books I’ve read, testimonies, etc

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Johnny Max: My Testimony

I grew up in a nominal Christian home, where if I was good I would go to heaven; if I was bad…hell. My great grandpa was a revival circuit rider with the shouting Methodists, so there was a godly heritage that had marked me; but I struggled with the connection because I didn’t really know Jesus. Amongst a lot of abandonment (because of my parents drug abuse) & abuse that surrounded me, Jesus began His call on my heart. 

In the second grade, I went to bible camp, where a pastor shared Jesus’ plan of salvation with us. It didn’t make sense because of my paradigm of God; but Jesus would soon change that. Hanging in my room was a picture of Jesus knocking on the door. Every night I would go to sleep, my heart felt Jesus walk out of the picture & stand next to my bed–He would say He was knocking on the door of my heart. I always had my excuse why I wasn’t ready…I didn’t feel I was worth it. I continued to run for 6 more years…Jesus kept faithfully pursuing my heart. I ran to new age philosophy to fill the emptiness of my wounded heart, until a friend invited me to his church. The presence I felt there was so familiar–He had been waiting at the altar of that church for 6 years! Never once did He let His arms down, He never turned His face from me. I surrendered my heart completely to Him & immediately fell in love with Jesus. 

My heart has found any & everything that I could ever dream of! I am completely satisfied with Jesus & have found so much healing. My heart has been set free to sing right to Him–He always loves to hear my voice. I am fully convinced of His love & the reason for my joy is the strength of His heart of joy!