New book available now!

New book available now!

Check out my new book now available from Barnes and Noble Press, After Egypt: the journey to transformation. I was told that the hardest part of my journey was the first few steps out the door. Man how I wish that were true! The journey to transformation has been a...

The Harm of Side B Gay Christianity – Episode 11

The Harm of Side B Gay Christianity – Episode 11

AFM discusses the harms of Side B Gay Christianity to the Church. Nate and Daren call Carl Nelson, Jason Strand, Rob Ketterling to repent of promoting Side B gay Christianity. Episode 11 of a mult-part part series on LGBTQ doctrines.

My Name Is Luca!

My Name Is Luca!

Life as a transgender male for three decades until she found Christ! My name is Luca Jo Groppoli. I am a graduate of Christ For the Nations Bible College, where I was also ordained. I am Associate Director with Agape First Ministries. It is my mission to go, make disciples of the nations, to tell the world, that Jesus can, and does in fact transform people, even people like me, who lived as a transgender male for over 3 decades. Let’s make Jesus famous together, by connecting the lost to the heart of the Father.

LGBT Doctrines Part 7 – Sanctification Part 1

LGBT Doctrines Part 7 – Sanctification Part 1

In this series about LGBT Doctrines we’ve been reviewing different doctrines surrounding the LGBT+ ideas. We have recently been discussing Side B “Gay Christianity” (Celibate) and contrasting the common doctrines against what scripture says. Today we will be talking about sanctification, it’s intersection with holiness, righteousness, and our salvation. What is sanctification? How does it work in the repentant individual who desires to leave behind the LGBT identity and lifestyle? Does God transform hearts and minds? To what degree? Is it just about our behaviors? Is grace there to prevent us from sinning? These and more discussed today.

Daren Mehl on Dr. J Show

Daren Mehl on Dr. J Show

Former homosexuals, individuals that have unwanted same-sex attraction, and the families of these truly marginalized people. He is a former homosexual who now lives as a disciple of Jesus and has received healing through Jesus. Mehl shares his testimony of coming out of a gay Christian lifestyle to live faithfully in marriage with his wife Rhoda of 18 years.

Calling Evil Good – Our Response to Andy Stanley

Calling Evil Good – Our Response to Andy Stanley

The Bible warns of a time when society will call evil good, and good evil. It seems as though we are living in such times. In this episode we will break down Andy Stanley’s recent statements regarding same-sex attractions and offer a response based on the Bible and our own experiences of finding freedom from sexual brokenness. #andystanleyheresy

Are we the Righteousness of God?

Are we the Righteousness of God?

Genesis 6 thoughts Still lingering in Genesis 6 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and says that he was a just man perfect in his generations, Noah walked with God.Another version says he was blameless!! What the heck?Let's look at these two words.I was...