The Ark Presents: Jolene Feist – Overcoming Fear

Jolene Feist is a Jesus follower, a wife and mother of three toddler boys. Despite growing up in a Christian home, Jolene walked away from the Lord at the age of nineteen. She was a prodigal for ten years, living in the bondage of sexual sin. Then at the age of twenty-nine, she had a radical encounter with Jesus, was born again and set free from sexual sin! Jolene hosts a podcast called, Kingdom Mama and is the author of a new Christian Children’s book Bye-bye Fear! God is Here! Drawing from her own experience of struggling with fear and the Lord’s powerful deliverance of her heart, Jolene is an encouragement and an example to all who desire wholeness in Christ.

Daren Mehl Testimony

Daren Mehl shares his testimony of being transformed by Jesus. Having lived as a “Gay Christian”, yet being convicted by the Holy Spirit but no way out, God provided the help in the form of a Christian Brother who helped Daren gain faith in his heterosexual potential as God created him. Even after marrying a woman he met through a guy he used to date, Daren was addicted to porn and for years tried to pray the gay away but couldn’t stop acting out with porn. At the end of his rope, Daren discovered he was operating in self righteousness rather than in the righteousness and grace of God through Jesus Christ. After a radical experience of repentance and then guidance to truth by the Holy Spirit, Daren experienced freedom from sinful desires toward the same sex. Today Daren has been married 16 years and has two children. His message of the power of Jesus to transform a person’s heart and mind will encourage you that change is possible from any sinful addiction or false identity.