Daren Mehl interviewed by Lee Michaels on Crosswalk, AM 980 The Mission
Crosswalks are essential for pedestrians to safely navigate the chaos of a busy intersection. They provide a safe route to follow through a potentially dangerous situation. Similarly, when we keep our eyes on Christ and the cross, and walk in his word, we are given a clear, narrow path to guide us through life. Join us on “crosswalk” here on AM 980 The Mission.
Daren Mehl, President of Voice of the Voiceless, and Associate Director of Agape First Ministries, is interviewed by Lee Michaels of Crosswalk on AM 980 The Mission. On 4/25 Daren shares his testimony of coming out of a gay Christian lifestyle to live faithfully in marriage with his wife Rhoda. On 5/25 the follow up discussion covers the four major doctrines around the LGBTQ issue and Daren speaks of freedom in Christ, the testimony of how Jesus set him free from same sex desires.
4/25/2022 Episode #560 - Daren Mehl Testimony
5/25/2022 Episode #582 - Daren Mehl LGBT Doctrines