In this video, Dr. T. Michael W. Halcomb ( @tmichaelwhalcomb ) interviews Daren Mehl. Daren will share his testimony and how God has moved in his life and transformed him from the man he was to who he is now. This is an interview you don’t want to miss. Tune in!
Thank you to Dr. J and The Dr. J Show for having me on to discuss my testimony and how we are regularly persecuted for simply existing. Rhoda laughed out loud when she heard Dr. J call me a unicorn. Yup, I’m Rhoda’s unicorn! (Rhoda’s life is all Rainbows, Unicorns, and butterflies!) [Watch on Locals!]
Daren Mehl is the President of Voice of the Voiceless, a non-profit organization that aims to defend the rights of people who are virtually never given a voice in the public square, and — in fact — often told that they don’t exist or are lying: Former homosexuals, individuals that have unwanted same-sex attraction, and the families of these truly marginalized people. He is a former homosexual who now lives as a disciple of Jesus and has received healing through Jesus. Mehl shares his testimony of coming out of a gay Christian lifestyle to live faithfully in marriage with his wife Rhoda of 18 years. He speaks frequently about the global attack on the Christian faith via the LGBTQ agenda and how we can respond in love, truth, and speak of the power of Jesus Christ to save and transform. He is currently a pastor at the community church where he lives and is also founder of Made Free Ministries. Note: In this interview, four categories of Christians are discussed: ”Side A” “Revel: Gay Partnership.” These professing “Christians” are gay-affirming and bless homosexual unions. The general belief is that one is born gay. “Side B” ”Resist: Gay Identity.” This group includes professing Christians who identify as gay, yet admit same-sex partnerships and sex are prohibited in the eyes of God. They choose celibacy. “Side X” “Renounce: or Repentance.” This group knows identity is not found in our desires but in Jesus Christ. Our fallen nature is the primary issue of same-sex struggles. “Side Y” “Rebuild: or Transformation” Identity is found in Christ and we must repent of sin, but the focus is on intentional discipleship to more profound healing, relational wholeness, and even newfound desires.
Daren Mehl shares his testimony of coming out of the gay identity and lifestyle as a Christian on The Meeting House podcast with Bob Crittenden. Aired on Faith Radio June 22nd, 2023.
June is both a month of intense warfare for Daren Mehl and a time to thank God for the radical rescue mission that saved him. Years ago, Daren and his future wife were both same-sex attracted – but one touch of the Holy Spirit changed everything. They repented and turned toward a journey of healing and discipleship in Jesus!
Today, Daren serves as Associate Pastor of Warroad Community Church and is Associate Director of Agape First Ministries, an organization that helps people struggling with sexual and gender identity while standing for Biblical truth. Join us for Daren’s powerful testimony on the Wednesday edition of the Hope Report at 1 Eastern!
The Hope Report is here to do just that….bring hope in the name of Jesus Christ. This faith-based podcast provides a community for believers (and anyone curious about faith!) where we can give each other a hand up in the same way that Jesus gives each of us His hand whenever we need the support. The Hope Report is brought to you by the Lindell Recovery Network, an addiction-focused non-profit serving recovering addicts, and hosted by Melissa Huray and Jason Perry, both of whom have had lives touched by addiction and other struggles. The podcast features inspirational testimonies and interviews, bible studies, addiction counseling and resources, regular segments with military and law enforcement veterans, and opportunities for listeners to engage with the community.
Support this show here by donating to the Lindell Recovery Network Massive savings at and with promo code: HOPE
Bible News Radio host Stacy Lynn Harp interviews Daren Mehl of Voice of the Voiceless. (Also Missionary and Associate Director with Agape First Ministries.) Voice of the Voiceless is a non-profit organization whose mission is to defend the rights of people who are virtually never given a voice in the public square, and — in fact — often told that they don’t exist or are lying: Former homosexuals, individuals that have unwanted same-sex attraction, and the families of these truly marginalized people.