There Is A Fountain

“In that day a fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness. “It shall be in that day,” says the LORD of hosts, “that I will cut off the names of the idols from the land, and they shall no longer be remembered. I will also cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to depart from the land…” -Zechariah 13:1-2

This past summer as I sought the Lord for vision for the upcoming year (our programming runs on the school year), He led me to these verses in Zechariah. We know the fulfillment of these verses are realized during the Day of the Lord, when Jesus returns. However, before that great and terrible day, we get little glimpses of these realities when the Holy Spirit draws near to His church. We call these times, “revivals.”

Beloved, I am convinced we are experiencing a crisis in human history that can only be solved by Jesus Himself—either by His return, or Him reviving His Church. The polarization is so intense right now, even within the Church, we desperately need God to come and settle the issues that divide us.

I believe we are on the verge of a visitation.

I believe Jesus desires to open a fountain for His Bride to cleanse her from sin and uncleanness.

I believe the presence of God is very soon going to drive the false prophets and the unclean spirits from His Church.

And I am anticipating…longing…crying out, “YES AND AMEN!” “COME LORD JESUS!”

This is the heart of Agape First Ministries. We believe when the Kingdom of God comes the Lord backs up His word with power, the sick are healed, the dead are raised and the demons flee. The sexually and relationally broken are made new and whole in the mighty name of Jesus. His justice is sure and His truth reigns. Our divisions are healed. The issues are settled.

Thus, we are praying for revival and returning—that Jesus would revive His Bride and the lost would return to the Lord. We are praying, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done ON THE EARTH as it is in heaven.

If your heart is burning for revival and the return of the lost, we invite you to join us for our bimonthly prayer meeting: the Freedom Watch. God is meeting us in this time and our roots are being strengthened. We want to be like trees planted by streams of living water bearing fruit in every season. At the Freedom Watch we are getting glimpses of the fountain of the Lord. Yes, living water is beginning to flow. The river is rising. Aren’t you just the least bit curious?

My Great Hope for Gen Z!

Over 20 years ago, as I sat on my front porch, the Lord spoke to me: raise up a generation in My love and in My power, a Moses generation that will lead My Church out of her Egypts.

This word to my heart has been a guiding light for me over the last two decades of ministry. It has determined how I have ordered much of my life. Working with youth and young adults can be profoundly difficult at times, especially when they deal with same-sex attractions! But the fruit has made it every bit worth it.

Now I have the privilege of seeing many of the young men and women I have ministered to over the years enjoying marriage and family. The vast majority have remained stalwart and faithful to the Lord, even though culture (and sadly many churches) has given them license to fall away from the Lord’s Biblical standard for sex and sexuality. I am so proud of each one of them. Their perseverance gives me strength and zeal to continue serving the next generation.

And the Lord continues to bring young people through my door! I must tell you, despite all that is happening in and to the next generation, I HAVE GREAT HOPE. God is on the move!! I wish I could introduce you to the amazing young “Gen Zers” with whom I am currently meeting. Yes, they are struggling with some really big stuff, BUT GOD is meeting them where they are at and healing their hearts.

I have a higher vision for the next generation. I believe we are on the verge of a great move of God amongst young people. God is still God, and He knows how to perfectly Father Gen Z.

I HAVE GREAT TRUST in the leadership of Jesus in the leadership of Jesus over the next generation. Yes, God is up to something, and I can’t wait to watch it unfold. If you would like to hear more about the leadership of Jesus over Gen Z and some testimonies from some of my recent conversations with young people you can watch this video I just released.