Executive Order 23-03 “Gender Affirming Healthcare”
Agape First Ministry strongly condemns Minnesota Governor Walz’s executive order 23-03. When the Governor passes orders in lieu of waiting for legislation to be discussed in committees and receive public scrutiny, he usurps the people and demonstrates he is lawless by passing his own laws in contradiction to the Minnesota Constitution Article 3 – separation of powers. This executive order is effectively the “transgender child kidnapping” order.
This pattern is demonstrating his opinion in executive orders that he can have the effect of law by simply disregarding existing law proves he is lawless. He is unfit for office as he has broken his oath to uphold the Minnesota Constitution.

Agape First Ministries calls on all good Minnesotans to put an end to the transgendering of children. Agape First Ministries calls on all good Minnesotans to uphold the truth that no person is born in the wrong body and that God has done a great work in making us male or female as indicated by our sex at birth. Agape First Ministries calls on all good Minnesotans to love their neighbor well by rejecting harmful transgender ideology that is unbecoming and dehumanizing to the dignity of the individual as created male or female in the image of our Creator.
We have provided a preview of what Minnesota HF146 contains so you can understand how the executive order is attempting to accomplish by edict what should be done by legislation.
Watch the podcast live on Wednesday 3/15/2023 at 3:15 PM on our YouTube and Facebook channels to learn more about what is happening at the State Capitol in regards to harming children through transgender ideology.