“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.”
Exodus 20:12
Developed by Minnesota Family Council in 2018, This Parent Resource Guide Will:
- Help you understand the basics of the
transgender trend - Consider the implications of transgender activism and “gender inclusion” policies in schools
- Explain what your parental rights are and give you the tools to protect your child’s constitutional privacy and First Amendment rights
- Encourage parents and school officials to work together to create a respectful school environment
- Help you communicate with your school officials and advocate for common sense policies that will respect the dignity of all students
- Give tips on creating community and support among likeminded parents
This book is designed to guide you through one month of transforming prayer—but it may surprise you to find out who this book is designed to transform. Changing the hearts of others will require a willingness to have your own heart penetrated. Ezekiel 11:19 says that Yahweh can take our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh. But can we expect Yahweh to perform radical heart surgery on others when we have refused to allow Him to first test His sovereign scalpel on us? Prayer is not a statistical crapshoot where we blindly beg Yahweh to intervene—throwing requests at Him like He is nothing more than a Velcro dartboard, hoping our petitions will stick. Prayer is the result of daily intimacy with Christ. The prayers of a righteous person availeth much—because the hearts of the righteous are in tune with Christ’s heart, and Yahweh DELIGHTS to answer the prayers of those who love and delight in Him.
Has your world been turned upside down by a loved one’s behavior? Do you wonder how you will survive the pain of this season? Is God ignoring your pain?
With wisdom drawn from her experience with a prodigal child, Judy R. Slegh offers compassion and hope to those wearied by the turmoil of loving someone who has turned away from the faith and value systems of his or her upbringing. Designed as an emotional healing resource, this devotional guide combines interactive prayer with thoughtful guidance to help readers
- identify components of emotional wounds,
- release pain,
- set boundaries,
- learn to hear God’s voice,
- recognize spiritual forces at work,
- deal with demonic influences,
- develop God-directed declarations for specific situational prayer.
Stressing the need for self-reflection and forgiveness, this resource illuminates how partnering with God through prayer is the key to recovering from the pain inflicted by a beloved prodigal. Experience compassion, hope, and healing through devotional readings, thoughtful questions, and prayers designed to help you identify and unpack your emotional baggage, freeing you to welcome your prodigal home.
“There’s something I need to tell you…I’m gay.”
These are hard words to hear from a beloved family member. But as hard as they are to hear, they are also hard for the same-sex-attracted person to utter.
No matter the relationship–parent, child, grandparent, spouse, sibling, or other, that admission will likely mark a change in the way you and your loved one understand each other. These can be difficult waters to navigate, but Joe Dallas knows the rough waters firsthand and offers answers to the questions you need answered.
How do I show my love for my same-sex attracted family member and yet remain faithful to the Bible’s admonitions about homosexuality?
- Should I attend my loved one’s gay wedding?
- What caused his or her homosexuality?
- Am I to blame?
- Can people change their sexual orientation?
From his many years of helping families answer tough questions about homosexuality, Joe Dallas offers you sound, compassionate, and biblically accurate advice as you take a journey you never anticipated.
Revised edition.
A Powerful Approach to Bringing God’s Grace to Kids
Did you know that the way we deal (or don’t deal) with our kids’ misbehavior shapes their beliefs about themselves, the world, and God? Therefore it’s vital to connect with their hearts–not just their minds–amid the daily behavior battles.
With warmth and grace, Jim and Lynne Jackson, founders of Connected Families, offer four tried-and-true keys to handling any behavioral issues with love, truth, and authority. You will learn practical ways to communicate messages of grace and truth, how to discipline in a way that motivates your child, and how to keep your relationship strong, not antagonistic. Discipline is more than just a short-term attempt to modify your child’s actions–it’s a long-term investment to help them build faith, wisdom, and character for life. When you discover a better path to discipline, you’ll find a more well-behaved–and well-believed–kid.
Life is hard. We all get overwhelmed at times. But some people seem to bounce back from their upset emotions faster than most. Are they just born happy? Or is there a secret to building emotional resilience that anyone can learn?
Building Bounce explains the theory behind growing emotional resilience and provides practical tools you can use in a variety of settings, such as growing your own emotional capacity, parenting your children in ways that build joy, and helping others who live low-joy lives learn the skills that grow joy.

God is present. Here. Now. Experiencing God’s presence brings healing, peace and connection. But, like any other relationship, experiencing God’s presence takes practice. Joyful Journey will teach you how to practice God’s presence every day. Discover how you can enjoy daily guidance and friendship with God, using methods grounded in scripture, spiritual disciplines and cutting-edge neuroscience. Surprising joy. Profound healing. Intimate connection. Available to anyone. Learn how with Joyful Journey! Jane Willard, wife of Dallas Willard and one of the creators of the life model, says this about Joyful Journey, “I have personally used the method often and have been ‘spreading the news’ widely. It has been life changing for so many people!”
Could brain science be the key to spiritual formation?
Why does true Christian transformation seem fleeting? And why does church often feel lonely, Christian community shallow, and leaders untrustworthy? For many Christians, the delight of encountering Christ eventually dwindles—and disappointment sets in. Is lasting joy possible?
These are some of the questions Michel Hendricks has considered both in his experience as a spiritual formation pastor and in his lifetime as a Christian. He began to find answers when he met Jim Wilder—a neurotheologian. Using brain science, Wilder identified that there are two halves of the church: the rational half and the relational half. And when Christians only embrace the rational half, churches become unhealthy places where transformation doesn’t last and narcissistic leaders flourish.
If you’re a teen with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), you may have intense, unwanted thoughts and behaviors that interfere with school, your social life, and just having fun. The good news is there are ways you can minimize these thoughts and behaviors, so you can get back to being a teen. This workbook will show you how!
In this heart-warming story, young readers will fall in love with Little Ducky and his barnyard friends. This richly illustrated duck tale teaches children an all-important truth about being content with the way they were made. Wise Old Duck teaches Little Ducky that he is perfect just the way he is and he doesn’t need to pretend he is something or someone else.