Immanuel Prayer

We have all been hurt at some point in our lives.

Some of us thought we were bad and we deserved to be hurt.

Some of us thought others who were bad did something bad to us.

Some, maybe even all, of us thought God was to blame.

We all coped the best we knew how. Most of us were children when we were hurt. Some of us ran and hid, others stood and fought. Some fell into addictions…drugs, sex, food, money, power…to try and dull the pain. Some of us have lost ourselves–we don’t know who we are, why we are here, or what our future holds.

Here at Agape First Ministries, we desire to help you get quiet and connect with the Lord, to help find answers and healing in the arms of the One who created us and Loves us.

We have found, both professionally and personally, that this is the best wqay to Return to a sense of peace and Joy..the experience that someone is glad to be with us, and to experience deep, real, lasting healing from our wounds. We don’t focus on the pain, but rather on an experience we’ve had, even if only briefly, where we felt safe, known, peaceful or joyful. Through this memory, we help you experience appreciation and gratitude. This opens the way to a safe connection with the Lord.

You will learn about and practice important relatgional skills, and retrain your brain to think about areas of your life from a different perspective. You will grow your ability to stay connected to yourself, God and others. You will get to practice Joy.

Joy doesn’t make our problems disappear, but it DOES give us the needed capacity to stay ourselves while we navigage pain and problems.

Over time, you will be able to recover from difficult emotions more quickly, and gain increased capacity, confidence, gentleness and security.

With continued practice, your brain will develop new, important lifelong habits.

Watch the following videos of an Immanuel Connection Experience, and an Interview with a recipient of Immanuel Prayer.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for your own Immanuel Prayer session, please go to